Esopus Spitzenburg


Also known as: Spitzenburg, True Spitzenburg

Originated in Esopus, New York in the 1700’s and fabled as the all-time favorite apple of Thomas Jefferson.  In 1790 he ordered 12 trees from a Long Island nursery to plant at Monticello. It is believed to be a parent of Jonathan. Fruit is medium to large with bright red skin mixed with splashes of orange and having crisp, yellow, aromatic flesh. Ripens in September.

Esopus Spitzenburg Fruit
Esopus Spitzenburg Bloom
  1. James Bachelder
    James Bachelder10-03-2019

    Do you sell apples? I’d like to buy some Spitzenberg apples

  2. James Bachelder
    James Bachelder10-03-2019

    Do you sell spitzenberg apples?

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