Ribston Pippin


Also known as: Ribston, Reinette Grenade Anglaise, Travers Pippin, Essex Pippin, Beautiful Pippin, Formosa, Glory of York, Ribstone, Rockhill’s Russet, Travers

A very high quality English dessert apple first discovered at Ribston Hall near Knaresborough, Yorkshire. It is believed to have originated from seeds brought into England from Rouen, France in 1688. In 1962, it received the Award of Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. It is described by Morgan and Richards as the most highly esteemed Victorian dessert apple. Fruit size is medium to large with unequally large ribs giving the apple an irregular shape. Skin is greenish-yellow flushed with brownish-orange and numerous red stripes. The flesh is pale yellow, rich, firm, and juicy. Ripens September to October.


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