For All Scionwood Orders:
All scionwood sticks are priced at $5.00 each.
Shipping charges (S&H): $12.00 S&H for each order. All orders shipped using US Postal Service Priority Mail.
The deadline for receipt of all orders is February 28th.
Since we are a very small family farm, most of the apple varieties that we offer will be available only in quantities as described below. However, certain varieties may be available in larger quantities by special request. Contact us for details.
MINIMUM order is two (2) scionwood sticks total at $5.00 each.
MAXIMUM order is 25 sticks total.
Please limit orders of any SINGLE variety to no more than three (3) sticks per variety.
NOTE: All scionwood selections highlighted in Bold * are in limited supply. For these particular varieties only one scionwood stick per customer is available.
Submit your orders by email to When ordering please add the word “Scionwood” in the email Subject line and be sure to include your full name and shipping address with your request. When we receive your order we will send a confirmation email with payment details. You may pay by cash, check, money order or credit card. Make checks payable to “Big Horse Creek Farm“. If you wish to pay by check or money order, mail your payment to the following postal address.
Big Horse Creek Farm
P.O. Box 70
Lansing, NC 28643
We will ship scionwood orders from late February through March.
Varieties A-E
- Allum
- American Beauty
- Belmont*
- Ben Davis*
- Benham
- Black Amish*
- Black Ben Davis*
- Black Gilliflower
- Blacktwig*
- Blenheim Orange
- Blue Pearmain
- Bramley’s Seedling
- Brown’s Apple*
- Brushy Mt. Limbertwig
- Bryson’s Seedling
- Buff
- Burgundy
- Calville Blanc*
- Caney Fork Limbertwig
- Cannon Pearmain*
- Carolina Pippin
- Carolina Red June
- Carter’s Blue*
- Cauley*
- Chenango Strawberry
- Claygate Pearmain
- Coffey Seedling
- Cotton Sweet
- Cranberry of N. Georgia
- Cranberry Pippin*
- Crow Egg*
- Cullasaga
- Dixie Red Delight
- Domine*
- Dr. Matthews
- Early Harvest*
- Ensee*
Varieties F-N
- Fall Limbertwig
- Fall Pippin
- Fallawater
- Flat Fallawater
- Fox
- Gloria Mundi
- Golden Delicious*
- Golden Russet*
- Golden Sweet*
- Graniwinkle
- Grimes Golden
- Guyandotte Pippin*
- Haas
- Hackworth
- Hall
- Higdon
- Horse
- Hubbardston’s Nonesuch*
- Huntsman
- Husk Spice*
- Husk Sweet
- Ingram
- Jefferis
- Junaluska
- Kidd’s Orange Red
- King David*
- King of Pippin
- King Soloman*
- Kinnaird’s Choice*
- Lady
- Late Strawberry
- Lewis Green*
- Little Limbertwig*
- Lugar Red
- Maiden’s Blush*
- Medaille d’Or
- Myer’s Green Limbertwig
- Notley P. No. 1
Varieties O-S
- Pilot
- Pitmaston Pineapple*
- Polly Eades*
- Porter
- Porter’s Perfection
- Rattle Core*
- Razor Russet
- Red Limbertwig*
- Rhode Island Greening
- Ruby Limbertwig
- Rusty Coat*
- Shenandoah*
- Shockley
- Smokehouse
- Spice of Old Virginia
- Spigold*
- Stark*
- Stump
- Summer Champion*
- Summer King*
- Summer Limbertwig*
- Summer Rose
- Sweet Bough
- Sweet Rusty Coat
Varieties T-Z
- Tarbutton
- Terry Winter
- Tolman Sweet
- Tompkins County King
- Vandevere
- Virginia Beauty*
- Virginia Gold
- Virginia Greening
- Virginia Limbertwig
- Virginia Sweet
- Western Beauty
- Westfield Seek-No-Further
- White Limbertwig*
- White Winter Pearmain*
- Winesap*
- Winter Sweet
- Winter Sweet Paradise
- Wolf River*
- Yankee Sweet
- Yarlington Mill
- Yates
- Yellow Bellflower*
- York Imperial